Friday, February 19, 2010

The Games... The News...

My Personal Compilation of the 10 Best Olympic Moments... So Far:

10. The Canadian women's hockey team winning the game against Slovakia, 18-0. Scores like that exist in hockey?

9. Shane Koyczan presenting "We Are More" at the Opening Ceremony. We are more than a laundry list of things to see. Despite hearing this poem several times before the Olympic Games, it still made me shed a happy tear when I heard it last Friday.

8. The Nelly Furtado concert at the very first Victory Ceremony. I'm like a bird. We're all like birds, really.

7. Sidney Crosby's goal in the shoot-out last night. What turned out to be a pretty nerve-wrecking game was finally won by Canada's own star, Sid the Kid.

6. The Norwegian curling pants. Just look. No further comments.

5. Seeing Betty Fox, the mother of Terry Fox, carry the flag. Terry Fox, despite dying young, did not die in vain. His legacy remains. And that's what truly important.

4. Both Maelle Ricker and Christine Nesbitt winning gold medals at the Games. I mean, they played the video of Nesbitt winning at our school. They didn't even do that when Obama was getting inaugurated.

3. The seven hour line to try out the zipline. That goes to show that the world is full of crazy people.

2. The Torch Relay. I went to the one in Richmond, but I'm sure they were just as good in all the other towns. Free Coca-Cola, after all, is hard to refuse.

1. Alexandre Bilodeau becoming the first Canadian athlete to win a gold medal on home soil. The win caused quite a reaction. But that isn't why I put his win at number one. If you watch him running to his older brother a few moments after winning, you will shed a tear.